Amy Houts
Author of children’s literature including over 100 books.
Publisher, Houts & Home Publications LLC, 2011 - present.
Judge for "Rate Your Story." See:, 10/20 - 9/21.
Instructor for the correspondence course, “Writing for Children and Teenagers,”
Institute of Children’s Literature, West Redding, Connecticut 10/05 - 1/13.
Features Writer/Reporter, Nodaway [County] News Leader, Maryville, Missouri 8/99 - 8/05.
Children’s Librarian, Maryville Public Library, Maryville, Missouri 5/97 - 2/99.
Preschool Teacher, Head Start, Maryville, Missouri 8/96 - 5/97.
Graduate Assistant, Early Childhood Education, Northwest Missouri State University, 8/91 - 5/92.
Numerous books, stories, articles, and poems including:
• Noah's Ark and The Creation bath books (Sunbeam/Bushel & Peck Books, 2024)
• God's Earth is Something to Fight For (Sunbeam/Bushel & Peck Books, 2023)
• Christian Q&A Book for Kids (Rockridge Press, 2022)
• Maye's March for Women's Votes, Houts & Home Publications LLC, 2021.
• 60 books for the Compass Children's Classics series, Compass Publishing, 2020.
• 10 Science-based books, Highlight's Press, 2020.
• God's Protection Covers Me, Beaming Books, 2019.
• The Giant Book of Bible Fingerplays for Preschoolers, Group Publishing, 2017.
• Rachel Maddow: Primetime Politcal Commentator, Rosen Publishing, 2015.
• Come Down, Whiskers. Compass Media, 2013.
• Down on the Farm. Stone Arch, 2011.
• Starring Sarah! Korea Hermanhesse, 2010.
• God’s Protection Covers Me. Beaming Books. Christian Market Children’s Book of the Year (second place); Faith & Fellowship Book Festival "Angel Award" (second place).
• Mealtime Magic: Delicious Dinners in Half the Time. Houts & Home Publications LLC. The Midwest Book Award Finalist.
• Military Life: Stories and Poems for Children. Elva Resa Publishing, Midwest Book Award Finalist.
Moonbean Children’s Book Awards--Gold Medal.
• She Digs Rocks, Missouri Writers’ Guild Best Juvenile Book Award, Honorable Mention.
• LeapFrog Activity Place Mats: ABC, Healthy Food, Addition, Money. Dr. Toy Best Vacation Children’s Product Award.
Society of Children’s Book Writers & Illustrators, 1987 - present.
Missouri Writers’ Guild, President, state level, 1997-98. Maryville Chapter, 1989 - present.
Advanced Writers and Speakers Association, 2020 - present.
Graduate courses in education, Northwest Missouri State University, Maryville, 1991 - 92.
Bachelor of Science, major: library science; minor: child care administration
Northwest Missouri State University, 1991.
Culinary Institute of America, Hyde Park, New York 1975 - 76.
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