The adorable illustrations by Gabi Murphy in Laura Sassi’s new board book, Happy Birthday Christmas Child, make you want to hug it. They are charming! The artwork is perfectly paired with Laura’s fun rhymes. She tells the nativity story in an engaging way by counting the shepherds, the angels, and more. Numbers are interspersed with rhyming verses so you might not notice them (except for the bold type). The sweet story is perfect for young children.
Characters include mice and spiders in the manger—of course, there must have been! Telling about the birth of Jesus will delight the whole family. I had a hard time choosing my favorite verse, but finally decided on the angels:
Eight angels fill the sky with light
and sing, “Good news! This holy night
to you is born God’s precious son.
You’ll find him in a manger. Run!”
I was given access to a digital copy to write this review. Highly recommended to read this Christmas season with your little ones!
Eight angels fill the sky with light
and sing, “Good news! This holy night
to you is born God’s precious son.
You’ll find him in a manger. Run!”
I was given access to a digital copy to write this review. Highly recommended to read this Christmas season with your little ones!